Annual Parish Meeting
Under Local Government Act 1972 Sch 12 part III the Council is required to assemble a meeting of the electors of our parish every year.
This is not a meeting of the Town Council and is not to discuss Town Council business but a meeting of the electors of Newbiggin by the Sea Parish to discuss matter of relevance to the Parish. The meeting is called by the Chairman of the Council, may be Chaired by the Chair of the Council and is generally Clerked by the Clerk of the Council. You may see your local Councillors there – but they will only be there as residents.
A Town Council report will however be available at the meeting.
In the past the Town Council have picked themes for the Annual Assembly but this year we would like to give the electors to opportunity to set the agenda. Therefore, if you have anything you would like to add to the agenda please send to the Town Clerk by 12 noon on Wednesday 10th May along with your full name and address.
The agenda will be published on Friday 12th May