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Financial Information 2020/21

The Town Council is open and transparent about the way it manages its finances. This page contains information on the way the Council protects its finances and what it has spent money on.  The Council’s finances are monitored on a day to day basis by the Responsible Financial Officer (Town Clerk). The Finance Committee also take an oversight role for the Council budgets at their quarterly meetings.

Precept –  The Town Council receives the majority of its income through the precept; an annual sum of money collected with the Council Tax by Northumberland County Council. The precept, set by the Town Council in January, for 2020/21 is £254,981  which amounts to an estimated £115.59/year to Band A properties.

How the precept was calculated 2020/21

Click the link to view the full budget Budget 2020-21

Financial Reports –  The Income and Expenditure Reports show the income and expenditure accounts for the Council.  The Council routinely and voluntarily publishes an updated list of all Council payments over the amount of £250 for the financial year.These reports will be made available after they have been reported to the Finance Committee.  You can view payment lists for previous years in the Year-end archives

Payments mth 1-3

First Quarter Income & Expenditure

Payments mth 3-6

Second Quarter Income & Expenditure 

Payments mth 7-9

Third Quarter Income & Expenditure

Payments mth 10-12

Fourth Quarter Income & Expenditure

Grants and Awards

Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 allows local authorities, including Parish and Town Councils, to award grants which will bring direct benefit to their area.

The Town Council is able to provide a grant or gift to an organisation for a specific purpose that will benefit the town, or residents of the town, and which is not directly controlled or administered by the town council.

The law requires grants to be “in the interests of or will directly benefit the area or its inhabitants, or of part of it, or some of it” and “the direct benefit should be commensurate with expenditure”.

You can download the grant application forms for funding from our Policies & Documents page.

Please find below the link to a list of Grants and Awards provided by the council to local organisations for the period 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2021.

Wansbeck Valley Foodbank – £1000 Donation to Newbiggin area

Bad Apples North East – £100 Easter Egg Competition

Unfolding Theatre – £300 Newbiggin Family Story Trail

Newbiggin Dolphin Watch – £300 Marine Mammal Medic Kits

Newbiggin Allotment Association – £300 donation towards site clearance

Bank House Club – £3000 Donation to Stair lift

Newbiggin Salvation Army – £500 donation to hall refurbishment

Newbiggin WI – £200 donation towards dishwasher purchase

Citizens Advice Northumberland – £300 donation towards core services

Newbiggin Arts Centre – £300 donation towards blinds

Bad Apples North East – £300 donation towards Easter Egg competition

Asset Register

Newbiggin Asset Register to 31 March 2021

Financial Information 2019/20

The Town Council is open and transparent about the way it manages its finances. This page contains information on the way the Council protects its finances and what it has spent money on.  The Council’s finances are monitored on a day to day basis by the Responsible Financial Officer (Town Clerk). The Finance Committee also take an oversight role for the Council budgets at their quarterly meetings.

Precept –  The Town Council receives the majority of its income through the precept; an annual sum of money collected with the Council Tax by Northumberland County Council. The precept, set by the Town Council in January, for 2019/20 is £254,981  which amounts to an increase of 24 pence per week for the majority of Band A properties.

How the precept was calculated 2019/20

You can view the full agreed budget here.

Financial Reports –  The Income and Expenditure Reports show the income and expenditure accounts for the Council.  The Council routinely and voluntarily publishes an updated list of all Council payments over the amount of £250 for the financial year.These reports will be made available after they have been reported to the Finance Committee.  You can view payment lists for previous years in the Year-end archives


Grants and Awards

Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 allows local authorities, including Parish and Town Councils, to award grants which will bring direct benefit to their area.

The Town Council is able to provide a grant or gift to an organisation for a specific purpose that will benefit the town, or residents of the town, and which is not directly controlled or administered by the town council.

The law requires grants to be “in the interests of or will directly benefit the area or its inhabitants, or of part of it, or some of it” and “the direct benefit should be commensurate with expenditure”.

You can download the grant application forms for funding from our Policies & Documents page.

Please find below the link to a list of Grants and Awards provided by the council to local organisations for the period 1st April 2019 to 31st March 2020.

Financial Information 2018/19

The Town Council is open and transparent about the way it manages its finances. This page contains information on the way the Council protects its finances and what it has spent money on.  The Council’s finances are monitored on a day to day basis by the Responsible Financial Officer (Town Clerk). The Finance Committee also take an oversight role for the Council budgets at their quarterly meetings.

Precept –  The Town Council receives the majority of its income through the precept; an annual sum of money collected with the Council Tax by Northumberland County Council. The precept, set by the Town Council  for 2018/19 is £228,365  which amounts to a Band D rate of £158.77.

How the precept was calculated 2018/19

You can view the full agreed budget here.

Financial Reports –  The Income and Expenditure Reports show the income and expenditure accounts for the Council.  The Council routinely and voluntarily publishes an updated list of all Council payments over the amount of £250 for the financial year. You can view payment lists for previous years in the Year-end archives

Income and Expenditure report

Payments Schedule 2018-19

Grants and Awards

Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 allows local authorities, including Parish and Town Councils, to award grants which will bring direct benefit to their area.

The Town Council is able to provide a grant or gift to an organisation for a specific purpose that will benefit the town, or residents of the town, and which is not directly controlled or administered by the town council.

The law requires grants to be “in the interests of or will directly benefit the area or its inhabitants, or of part of it, or some of it” and “the direct benefit should be commensurate with expenditure”.

You can download the grant application forms for funding from our Policies & Documents page.

Please find below the link to a list of Grants and Awards provided by the council to local organisations for the period 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019.

Grants paid 2018/19

Financial Archives pre April 2018


Under the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 the Town Council  published details of all expenditure over the amount of £500 between January 2001 and March 2017.

Expenditure over £500

From April 2017 the Town Council voluntarily published all expenditure over the amount of £250


The Town Council has supported many community groups and organisations since 2009.

Small Grants Scheme

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