Archive for the ‘Community’ Category

20th February 2023


by: Newbiggin.TC


Categories: Community, Local News

At a meeting of the Town Council held 15th February, it was unanimously agreed to sign the Civility & Respect Pledge. Newbiggin by the Sea Town Council is the 992th Council in the UK to take this pledge which is being promoted by Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC), National Association of Local Councils (NALC) […]

20th February 2023


by: Newbiggin.TC


Categories: Community, Local News

On Wednesday 18th January, Newbiggin by the Sea Town Council agreed its budget for 2023-2024 and the amount of precept it would be levying on the County Council. The Town Council precept is the portion the town council receives from the council tax you pay each year and plays an important role in maintaining and […]

Northumberland County Council is seeking views on a proposed neighbourhood development plan for Newbiggin. The Plan has been prepared by Newbiggin-by-the-Sea Town Council with the help of the local community and it seeks to address issues local people have identified as important in their area. The Plan has been submitted to Northumberland County Council’s planning department. In future, […]

7th February 2023


by: Newbiggin.TC


Categories: Community, Local News

A brilliant new Walking Netball session which has launched in Newbiggin, there is very little walking netball in the County at the moment and the development of this group has already generated a good amount of interest. Thursdays at Newbiggin Sports and Community Hub

13th January 2023


by: Newbiggin.TC


Categories: Community, Local News

On the evening of Thursday 12th January, Councillor Louise Spratt, Mayor of Newbiggin by the Sea, accompanied by Councillor Alison Sutherland, Deputy Mayor, visited Newbiggin Community Choir by the Sea to present them with a donation of £300. Gillian Storey, Chairman of the Choir, had applied for a small grant to fund the cost of […]

21st November 2022


by: Newbiggin.TC


Categories: Community, Local News

A regular complaint to the Town Council is the anti-social behaviour, noise, and mess left by off road motorbikes and quads in Newbiggin by the Sea. These motorbikes and quads are illegally driving across public open space in our town, are a danger to other open space users, and are causing a lot of damage […]

21st November 2022


by: Newbiggin.TC


Tags: warm spaces


Categories: Community

There is a network of community spaces residents can visit this winter. What is a Northumberland Warm Space? Warm Spaces are places where people can come together in a warm, safe, welcoming place and maybe enjoy a hot drink, a sit down and have a chat with others. Voluntary groups, community organisations and others from communities […]

14th November 2022


by: Newbiggin.TC


Categories: Community, General News, Local News

A  Service of Remembrance took place on Friday morning at Newbiggin Memorial Park organised by Newbiggin by the Sea Town Council in partnership with Father Anthony, and Newbiggin Veterans Association. The service was attended by children from Northumberland Church of England Academy Grace Darling Campus accompanied staff, Town Councillors, Ian Lavery MP, County Councillor Elizabeth […]

14th November 2022


by: Newbiggin.TC


Categories: Community, General News, People

Newbiggin Detachment are recruiting now! Are you looking for a new challenge or maybe an exciting adventure? If you’re aged 12-18 or have young people in your household within that age range then they below promotional video may be of interest.     Adults can also volunteer to help with the Northumbria Army Cadet Force. […]

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