The Town Council Grants Committee recently supported St. Andrew’s and St. Mark’s Methodist Church with £300 funding towards Kid’s Kitchen Lunch Club which will be held every Monday during the school summer holidays, aimed at Children of Primary School age. Register from 10.45am and attend between 11.00 and 13.00 where your children will enjoy cookery […]
Opening Hours
Our town centre office is located at 76 Front Street. The office will be open to the public between 9:00 am and 12:00 noon Monday to Friday.
Useful Links
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Upcoming Events
Noon Midweek Walk (14/08/2024 - 03/06/2026)
Pop-up Food Shop (03/01/2025)
Mid -Week Noon Walk (08/01/2025)
Pop-up Food Shop (10/01/2025)