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16th November 2018


by: Newbiggin.TC


Categories: General News

We have today (16th November) received notification from Northumberland County Council that vehicular traffic will be prohibited on Matfen Terrace Back lane from 15th November to 21st November while Northern Powergrid carry out emergency low voltage mains repairs. Please call 0345 600 6400 and quote the reference number (EMG TTRO 111738485)  for further information.   […]

8th November 2018


by: Newbiggin.TC


Categories: General News

New gateway signage has been installed to welcome visitors to Newbiggin by the Sea. 4 x signs have been installed; on the North Seaton Road entrance, at Woodhorn Roundabout, on the extremity of the parish boundary on the A189 on the extremity of the parish boundary on the road to Lynemouth   The signage was [...]

7th November 2018


by: Newbiggin.TC


Categories: General News

Plans to regenerate Newbiggin Welfare and Collingwood Field into facilities for Junior and Senior football will be available to view today (November 7th) from 4.00 pm - 7.00 pm at the St Bartholomew’s Church Hall. There will also be an opportunity to speak with Officers. This project is being lead by AFC Newbiggin Football Club. [...]

6th November 2018


by: Newbiggin.TC


Categories: General News

Saturday 10th November 2018 Organised by Newbiggin Veterans Association World War One Centenary Commemorative Concert Wansbeck Suite, Newbiggin Sport & Community Centre 6.00pm to 8.00pm Entry FREE by ticket only Sunday 11th November 2018 Organised by Newbiggin Veterans Association 6.00am Pipers to Play 'The Battle's Over' on Quay Wall 10.00am Wreath Laying at Colliery Memorial [...]

2nd November 2018


by: Newbiggin.TC


Categories: General News

Clear Channel have been busy installing a new bus shelter at the turning circle on Sea Crest Road today. Due to the proximity to the coast this well used bus stop is extremely exposed in harsh weather conditions and the new bus shelter will afford the passengers shelter from both prevailing winds and rain. The [...]

2nd November 2018


by: Newbiggin.TC


Categories: General News

The Town Council has an agreement with Northumberland County Council for the provision of seasonal planting around the town. Northumberland County Council's Neighbourhood Services team have been hard at work planting approximately 8000 bedding plants around the town. The mixes of wallflowers, polyanthus and  bellis will certainly brighten up Newbiggin  over the coming winter months. [...]

30th October 2018


by: Newbiggin.TC


Categories: General News

Age UK Northumberland have released some advice for older people in your family or community to help them to feel safe this Halloween. Tips for Older people They have also released some advice that families partaking in Halloween activities might bear in mind. Tips for families

29th October 2018


by: Newbiggin.TC


Categories: General News

On Saturday Elaine Brown, our Deputy Town Clerk, was invited by Newbiggin Traders Association to judge the Halloween decorations in the shop front window displays. Some of the businesses had gone to quite a bit of effort with the fabulously fiendish and eye catching displays! The winner and runner up will be announced at the [...]

25th October 2018


by: Newbiggin.TC


Categories: General News

Jayess Newbiggin Brass Band need your help! They have submitted a bid to Aviva Community Fund to improve or replace their current stock of brass instruments in order to continue providing the high quality level of performance they and the community are so proud of. They need to collect as many votes as possible to […]

25th October 2018


by: Newbiggin.TC


Categories: General News

Newbiggin by the Sea Town Council subsidise school holiday activities that are provided by Active Northumberland within the town. The complete Autumn Half Term Holiday Programme for South East Northumberland can be viewed on the link below. Activities held at Newbiggin Sports and Community Centre can be found on page 11. Please note some of […]

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